List three jobs you’d consider pursuing if money didn’t matter.

This subject title suggested by WordPress as the starter to a post intrigued me, because at this time, I am in Canada and not able to earn any money, so I am actually living the above to some degree.

The first ‘job’ on my list would be to volunteer at a drop-in centre.  I am actually doing that at the moment.  Before I started this, my first thoughts were:

  • people will smell
  • there will be too many people out of hand because of drink or drugs
  • they won’t talk to me

How wrong I was.  Yes, there are some of the above, but the majority are wonderful people, who have helped me see the world through different eyes and challenged my ‘proper’ thinking!

The second job would be to fruit pick, whether that were cherries, apples or grapes.  At the same time, I would love to learn how to tend orchards and vineyards.  I already love growing my own fruit, vegetables and salads so this would be another avenue for me to explore.

The third job would be to cook for others.  I love baking cakes and bread, making jams and chutneys etc.  And I know that everybody loves to eat so I would see my hard work being appreciated.

After all, everyone want to be appreciated.  Being paid for your work isn’t the only way to receive appreciation, and sometimes, there are definitely more satisfying ways of expressing it.

About katehobbs

Mother to two who are now independant and living away from home. Wife to Steve, for the last 26yrs and looking forward to many more years. I have enjoyed 18 months in the Okanagan, something that I have longed to have the opportunity to do for a while. Living a dream, you could say. Now, I am interning with Living Waters Canada based in Vancouver until end of April 2013. I love to grow my own food - it tastes so much better. I also build up, train and encourage others to achieve more than they thought possible.
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1 Response to List three jobs you’d consider pursuing if money didn’t matter.

  1. Ula says:

    An intriguing topic –something I may have thought about in passing. I share one in common with you, Kate. I would also pursue cooking. The other two are writing and gardening. Great post. And inspiring to read about your volunteer work. 🙂

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